Heal The Past, Live The Present, Dream The Future
Welcome To
Simon Goodfellow
Spiritual Medium & Clairvoyant
Within this site you will find all the contact details,
Details for mind, body & spirit events, psychic suppers, evening of mediumship,
How to develop your Spiritual & Psychic abilities.
How to book Spiritual telephone readings.
Learn about Simon himself.
Why his work is so important to him
what drove him to follow the path that was chosen for him.
We hope you will enjoy your journey around Simon’s world.

Simon Goodfellow prides himself on having strong ethical values & beliefs in his Spiritual calling.
His reputation over the past 22 years
hopefully speaks for itself.
Over 22 Years Simon has read For & passed spiritual messages to many thousands of clients not only
in the Uk but around the globe.
Simon trust in Spirit is unrivalled to pass
detailed and heart felt guidance

Psychic Suppers Coming Soon
​​​Psychic Supper
Buonissima Aperitivo Bar
14-16 Station Road, Sandiacre, Nottingham
NG10 5BG
Wednesday 26th March 2025
Tickets £28.00 includes a Supper
Doors Open at 6.30pm to Start at 7.00pm
Further Information & Tickets Please Pop in
Or Contact 01159 393256
Psychic Supper ​
Gigi's Bar & Bistro
27 Steep Hill, Lincoln, LN2 1LU
Wednesday 27th March 2025
Doors Open at 6.30pm to Start at 7.00pm
Tickets £25.00 includes a Supper
Tickets & Further Information
Please Pop In
Psychic Supper
Ten Green Bottles Coffee Lounge
15 The Square, Retford, DN22 6DQ
Tuesday 1st April 2025
Tickets £25.00 includes a Pie & Pea Supper
Doors Open at 6.30pm to Start at 7.00pm
Further Information & Tickets
Please Pop in to Ten Green Bottles Coffee Lounge Or Call: 07729 655639​
Visit us in Doncaster
Please contact Dave for appointment availability
Weekend Appointments from 10.00am, Midweek Appointments From 3.00pm
A deposit of £15.00 is required at the time of booking
we are located in Rossington, Doncaster about 10 minutes from the A1 & M18
Full details are given at the time of booking
CALL OR TEXT DAVE: 07894 091702
2025 Dates
Saturday 5th April 2025 FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 6th April 2025 FULLY BOOKED
Saturday 10th May 2025 FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 11th May 2025
Saturday 14th June 2025
Sunday 15th June 2025
Tuesday 15th July 2025
Saturday 26th July 2025
Sunday 27th July 2025
Tuesday 12th August 2025
Saturday 30th August 2025
Sunday 31st August 2025
Tuesday 9th September 2025
Sunday 28th September 2025
Saturday 11th October 2025
Saturday 8th November 2025
Sunday 9th November 2025
CALL OR TEXT DAVE: 07894 091702
​​​One To One
Spiritual Reading Venues
Moonstone & Magic
119 East Parade, Keighley, BD21 5HX
Thursday 15th May 2025
Saturday 9th August 2025
Appointments From 10.00am
Further Information & Bookings
Please Pop In Or Call:
Mobile: 07823 357126
Email: info@wellbeing-group.com or Message through Facebook
Olettesa Reiki and Holistic Therapies
363 London Road
Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 6AA
Sunday 25th May 2025
Sunday 14th September 2025
Please pop into Olettessa Reiki & Holistic Therapies
Contact Lisa: 07818 508024
Silver Moon
64 Southgate, Hornsea, East Yorkshire
HU18 1AL
Saturday 24th May 2025 FULLY BOOKED
Saturday 27th September 2025
Appointments From 10.00am
To book your one to one reading
Please pop into Silver Moon
Village Styles
106A Doncaster Road, Langold, S81 9QH
Sunday 27th April 2025
Appointments From 10,00am
To book your one to one reading
Please pop into Village Styles
Contact Bel: 07375 262951
One To One Reading Days

Spiritual & Psychic Development
Simon Runs Four Levels of Spiritual & Psychic Development Workshops
Your Second Step
The Advanced Mediumship Level 1
This Is Where You Will Start To Work & Bond With Spirit
You Will Learn
How To Bond & Work With Your Development Spirit Guide
How To Use Tarot Cards With Your Spirit Guide
Learn All 78 Spiritual Meaning of Tarot
Build Your Confidence With Spirit
If you choose to continue your exciting Spiritual & Psychic journey you will have access to a private Spiritual development group, this contains extra practise assignments
The Voyage
Complete Spiritual & Psychic Enlightenment Workshop
5 Day Workshop
The Voyage of Complete Spiritual & Psychic Enlightenment Workshop
The Mechanics of Mediumship & Psychic Skill of Psychomerty Workshop, The Advanced Mediumship Level 1 & The Advanced Mediumship - The Masters of Mediumship All Into 5 Days.
This Once A Year Workshop Is Perfect For people
Who Want To learn at An Intense Level
Book Your Spiritual Journey In Ways To Suit You
1, Book your place on The Mechanics of Mediumship & Psychic skill of Psychometry
& see where it takes you
2, Book The full Spiritual & Psychic Journey
All 4 Development Workshops Over 4 Weekends
3, Book The Voyage of Complete Spiritual & Psychic Enlightenment Workshop
Run Over 5 Consecutive Days
Bookings can now be taken over the telephone with a credit/debit card
Call Dave on 07894 091702

My Story
As a Spiritual Medium, I work closely with my Spirit Guides and Spiritual Helpers and am assured of my calling to help and heal people when they need closure and direction to enable them to move on with their lives. I work very different from other Mediums, whereby I work with Spirit on a platform and go and greet the Spirit standing beside their loved one or friend, and then I pass on the message that has been given to me.
My ethics are very strong and one of the things I want to achieve is to remove all the doom and gloom from Mediumship and also prove that it can be fun and uplifting. The majority of people want to know that their loved ones are happy when they pass over, so why would you want everyone in tears all the time? Look at it like this. If Uncle Jack was a sod in life, then it makes sense that he’ll still be a sod after he’s passed away. If he weren’t, then quite frankly, he wouldn’t be Uncle Jack would he? People’s personalities don’t change when they pass over.
Please enjoy reading about how I was called to carry out this work and then explore my web site for further information on dates and events.
About me
For as long as I can remember, Mediumship and all it involves has fascinated and intrigued me. I was mesmerised since childhood by people who can contact the dead. The catalyst came for me when I was around fourteen years old and I would like to share this story with you here. Don’t be surprised, as there will probably be quite a high number of you who will be able to relate to this experience.
My first disturbing experience
At the age of fourteen, on this particular night I was staying at my Grandmother’s house while my Sister was staying at her best friend’s house watching videos. Or so we thought! The truth of the matter as it turned out, was that my Sister was actually camping out in her friends garden, but we didn’t find this out until later.
It had been just a normal evening for me. I had gone to bed after giving my Gran a big kiss.
She was a very special lady, my Gran. During the night I had the most strange and disturbing dreams.
In my dreams I could hear my Sister Joanne, shouting and shouting and I could also see her was surrounded by flames. Not surprisingly, I awoke screaming at around two in the morning. We all have bad dreams from time to time and I assumed that this was what had happened.
Gradually getting myself together again I settled back down to sleep only to be woken a couple of hours later by my Gran.
She woke me to say that Joanne had been in a tent fire and was in hospital suffering third degree burns. Joanne underwent skin grafts and remained in hospital for several months and thankfully, made a full recovery.
I can only try and tell what affect this had on me. It was overwhelming.
A bad dream is bad enough, but to find that it was actually fact is something else altogether.
The implications were vast. This meant that I had literally been a spectator of my Sister’s accident, which also meant that I had the ability to physically transfer myself to an event and witness it in real time. Although I had not been looking for it, this was the first real evidence that I had of my Mediumship capabilities.
Life goes on
Things carried on as normal after this event. I eventually left school and began a career in catering without giving a second thought to the event that had occurred two years previously.
I happily worked in Hotels and Cruise Ships for many years with no reference whatsoever to my Mediumship abilities.
My need to learn more
I began this career by wanting to do healing and practised some healing on family and close friends. This is the most warming and loving feeling and I can feel a rush of energy through my hands while doing this. It’s as if something is literally travelling through them. Never did I think for a minute that this laying on of hands would definitely be healing them, but it actually did.
I felt I needed to develop this further with help and guidance from an experienced Teacher. I found a lovely lady in Somerset who ran a Crystal Healing Course.
I enrolled and later received a full Crystal Healing Diploma, which enabled me to register with the Complementary Medical Association with whom I still work to this day.
My inclination to work with Spirit was increasing rapidly and the need to explore it was such a natural progression that I then joined a Spiritualist Church. As time went by, I started helping out with Mediumship Evenings and eventually I was asked to stand in for a Medium who had fallen ill.
Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. I had already started receiving messages from Spirit about loved ones who had passed away and for people that I knew, such as customers in my Bar.
Sometimes I felt hesitant about passing these messages on, as suddenly everything was moving so fast for me that I felt as though I was being swept along on a giant wave. Now was the time that I needed direction and guidance on how to best use this gift I had been blessed with.
Something was missing
I still felt that this was not enough. Something was missing for me. It’s one thing to be gifted, but does another thing know how to direct it and use it for the maximum benefit of others, and this was what I wanted to do. At this point I had learnt about the Arthur Findlay College based in Stansted, UK and of its long-standing reputation.
I immediately enrolled on their highly regarded Mediumship Development Course and never looked back. At the end of the course, I was chosen from my Group to give a Mediumship Demonstration to the whole College.
I was very aware at the time, and I remain so to this day, of what an honour this was and that they wouldn’t have chosen me if they had not had a good reason. If I had ever needed proof of my vocation in life, this was it. I knew from that day forward my calling was to give messages to people from their loved ones who have passed.
I also knew that working on cruise ships was a much easier path to follow, but such is life. You do what you are put here to do, and for me it is now working as a Medium, with all its accompanying responsibilities.
Using my special gift
I then returned to Spain and began working solely as a Medium giving personal readings and doing my own Mediumship Demonstrations. I am still doing this today and will continue to do so.
I have appeared on TV shows in both Spain and Holland, have done several radio programmes in both the UK and Spain, and have had many articles published in magazines and newspapers in the UK, Spain, Holland and also Norway.
I am now based in the UK but will continually return to Spain to carry on my work where I have a large network of friends and clients who have continually supported me along my journey to the place where I am today.
In 2009 I successfully completed a tour in Holland of Mediumship evenings and one to one readings, Spirit messages from Dutch people were relayed to me in English. It appears that Spirit has no language barriers.
In the years which followed I regularly exhibit on many of the Mind, Body & Spirit fairs around the UK (see the Mind, Body & Spirit Fairs page) & I now do telephone readings for clients from The USA, Canada, Italy and other parts of the world.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this brief synopsis of me and that it will give you an insight into my work as a Spiritual Medium & Clairvoyant.
Always remember that “Life is Eternal” and that your loved ones are always with you, wherever you are in the world and whatever you are doing. Don’t worry. I am told that they don’t do bedrooms and bathroom.

Contact Telephone Number:
Contact Dave Goodfellow Events Manager Directly
Mobile: 07894 091702
Email: mediumsimon@yahoo.com